Not sure what to feel....

💕Tina Marie • ✨❤✨❤✨❤✨
My cycles have always been irregular but on June 4th AF arrived, I started taking Geritol and 800mg Folic Acid the same day. I have taken the two everyday since AF arrived. A few days ago, I began to feel like I have to vomit but don't. I started having slight cramping and back aches. A little fluttering in both sides of my abdomen. I started taking ovulation tests and they were negative, yesterday and today. For the first time this morning I charged my temps, to see if I am ovulating. I have been TTC for over 2yrs now. I have had 3 miscarriages, and I am hoping this month is the month I'll get my rainbow baby. This is a very stressful situation. At times I cry because I feel it will never happen. Lord knows all I want is to be a mother, sometimes I feel like that's to much to ask.
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