Does plan b cause ectopic pregnancy?

I recently took plan b about a month ago after an hour the condom broke on my boyfriend and I. I took a pregnancy test and it came out to be negative, but I am still waiting on my period. This lady told me she had ectopic Pregnancy after taking plan b. Now I am scared out of my mind! It has been 6 weeks since I took the pill and I feel fine but I sometimes feel like I could be pregnant. I did bleed a week after taking plan b , do I am guessing it worked and the test said I was not pregnant. Can a pee test detect an ectopic pregnancy? I was not worried until she scared the hell out of me! Now I am convinced there is something wrong with me! Please help! If you ever took plan b before, please share your story. 

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If you had an ectopic pregnancy, you would still get a positive test. 


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It really messes up your cycle. You won't be "on time" if to take plan b practically ever. 


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I took plan b twice before. lots of time In between each time. and I'm gonna let you know that I also didn't take the name brand plan b. they both had the same ingredients as the name brand. it was just less expensive. the first time I got it from rite aid. and it made me feel awful after I took it. like headache and stomach ache like it said could happen. I also had like no sex drive for like 2 weeks. I didn't bleed but I got my normal period and my period was normal length and normal heavinessthe second time I took it I got the store brand from cvs. this one I had no bad side effects. none at all. everything was normal. I'm not sure if this answers your questions. if you are concerned, you should talk to your gyno about it. good luck!


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Going through the same thing am scared as hell