Really confused.. has anybody else had this

Ok so me and my Husband have been ttc for close to 3 years now. I am a little irregular so ovulation is hard to predict and low hormone levels does not help either so end of April I was feeling dizzy and getting headaches but AF came a week early only a 26 day cycle and I am normally 33 to 37. But what was weird was it was not a normal period at all 3 days of brown and pink discharge and only one day of light bleeding normally I have 2 day of light bleeding and 3 to 4 of very heavy. I just decided it was a weird cycle and let it be but all of may I have been nauseous, puking, cramps in lower stomach bloated and itchy nipples. I thought it was just in my head trying not to get excited but I have a skin condition on my foot that has been there for 4 years and doc said that usually it goes away when you get pregnant ( due to increease of hormone levels) and 2nd week of may it started to clear up. However a couple days ago I started bleeding no cramps very light and red but only lasted for 2 days tested yesterday and negative any ideas what is going on ??