Blake's birth -4 weeks early.

Kassandra • 12.23.10 3.8.13 5.20.15 9.26.18
I started my new job on Monday 5/18. I woke up on Tuesday and as I was getting ready for work, 7am, my water broke! I called my husband and he came home, then I called my midwife and told her my water broke. She said go ahead and get ready and go to work. Call me back if you keep leaking. So I went to work all day as my water continued to leak. My contractions went from 20min apart in the morning to 7min apart at 5pm but not uncomfortable. I came home from work and ate dinner with my oldest son (4 1/2) and my husband. Then I called my midwife and she said she would see me at the hospital. Dropped our big guy off at his gmas. When we got to the hospital at 730pm I was dialated to a 4 and virtually in no pain. But they weren't going to let me go home. So I walked the halls and around my room, did some nipple simulations and about 1130pm I was still at a 4 so they gave me a small dose of Pitocin. About 1215am I got onto the birthing ball until 1am when I got up and went to the bathroom. When I got back to the bed I told the nurse I felt like I needed to push. I climbed back into bed and she checked me, I was a 10 and ready to push. Midwife came in and two pushes later my little boy was born at 1:05am. His birth was everything I wanted and no pain meds. Blake James was 5lbs 15oz and 19 inches long. Pure perfection. We were able to do about 5 minutes of skin to skin before the nurses had to take him to check him out because he was struggling to breath. They took him to the nursery to give him more oxygen and start an IV while I finished delivery the placenta and such. Once I got out of bed I went to the nursery and got to hold him for another 15 minutes or so. Meanwhile they explained that due to the severity of his respiratory distress, they were having him transferred to our local children's hospital. So Blake got to take his first ambulance ride at 430am and I was discharged from the hospital at 5am so I could go be with him. We spent 9days in the NICU before getting to bring our baby boy home. We are truly blessed. 
Blake is now one month old and just over 7lbs.