Starting to loose hope tww ends tomorrow

Kate • Ttc 40 months <3 happily married 3 years together 7

So the dreaded tww ends tomorrow. Most of the last two weeks I've been experiencing sore breasts, throwing up, nausea ect. I tried a few tests and they were negative but I know it was early to test. Things definitely felt different but I kept saying it was the clomid. I had hope it wasn't though. Now I'm cramping a lot and I'm just losing hope. I know clomid takes time but after almost 2.5 years of trying I was really hoping for a miracle from my RE on our first medicated treatment. I even dropped 10 lbs this month. Between the provera to start cycles, metformin 4 times a day, clomid, prenatal vitimins, thyroid meds, and a heart med I feel like all I do is pop pills.

I just feel like my ob was right that we can never have kids :( sorry for this pitty moment I just have no one to talk to about my fears and insecurities execpt you ladies. I really don't know how I would have been able to get through this first round of treatment without you guys.