Aspire News App

Lissy🐠 • Mommy of two beautiful little girls! <3
So maybe I've been hiding under a rock but I just learned about the Aspire News App today, and since it's mostly women on here, I wanted everyone to know about it, because it has the potential to save your life if you're in an abusive relationship. I'm not saying men can't be the one that's being abused, but I know that women are often the victims when it come to domestic violence. Anyways, if you're in an abusive relationship, I highly recommend this app to you, it's disguised as a news app. But if you click on the "help" option it will take you to a page where you can notify authorities if you can't get to a phone and you're in trouble. Just wanted to share this with all of you, though I hope none of you are ever in a position where you need to use it.. good luck ladies!