Help! Chafing 😁😁

I know this is gross but... I am trying to stay active this summer but with the heat plus added weight in my hips and thighs, I have been dealing with some serious chafe on my inner thighs and butt anytime I'm outside for more than a few minutes,
even if I wear leggings! Any tips to help prevent or heal??  
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BodyGlide find it at any sports store. 


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Bamboo leggings are completely amazing. Seraphine do them in three colours. I wore them fro trip through Death Valley, Mojave and Palm Springs and they fared great. Really good for wicking sweat when you're active. 


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I am dealing with this too. To help the healing part of it I read neosporin... And it HELPS! Big time. 


Dana β€’ Jun 26, 2015
Using some on my chafing now


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Plain old deodorant works best n smells good


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Don't wear leggings. Wear breathable fabrics like loose cotton, and I think using a swipe of deodarent would work to prevent the sticking. I've also ears of this new brand of creams called skin fix, I've seen they make a chaffing cream.


Claire β€’ Jun 21, 2015
Good call on the breathable fabrics. I've been using leggings just to keep skin-to-skin contact to a minimum but I'll try something looser.


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I read to use deodorant.


Jackie β€’ Jun 22, 2015
I use deodorant too, the stick kind you can just apply where needed. It's a lifesaver


Claire β€’ Jun 21, 2015
Awesome thanks! I will try that!


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The new dry spray deodorant by Dove or Degree. I spray a bit on my inner thighs. Helps. 


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I've used my deodorant & it felt so much better 


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This happens to me too, I try to moisturize really well then I use 'Monistat Chafing Gel' between my thighs to help prevent it. I've been wearing shorts non stop & it helps!


Amber β€’ Jul 1, 2015
This stuff is the best!


Posted at
Body glide and anti monkey butt powder are my best friends. I'm a runner and this stuff really saves me!