Am I worrying too much?


It took 5-6 months to finally get a positive pregnancy test. I'm not the healthiest person or the most active/fit. It's my first baby and naturally I want the best for them. I don't eat very well. I can't stand the taste of fruits and veggies which makes me concerned that my baby won't be healthy enough. Am I overthinking things and worrying too much? 

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Posted at
Honestly you don't know how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle. Congratulations on the new baby but if you want to avoid high BP, gestational diabetes, even some birth defects you should really start trying to baby step your way into healthy living. You can do it! -personal trainer and nutrition coach 


Posted at
Try to eat a balanced diet plenty of veg and grains, medium amount of fruits, low sugar and fats. I wouldn't stress too much about exercise, just dtsy active, try to get a fair amount of even just walking in! Get some Prenatal vitamins asap! X


Posted at
I too meant to click yes. I wouldn't worry to much. I don't eat that many veggies or fruits and I'm 31w5d and my LO is doing good and is healthy. But if you can try fruit smoothies and maybe some fish &' healthier foods. Everything's going to be A-OK. GoodLuck ☺️


Posted at
I was in good shape and ate well before I got my diet is a mess and I was on orders not to exercise for three months. Never ending nausea and vomiting wreaked havoc on my salad munching tendencies. Now I eat whatever stays down and tastes okay. Baby is growing just fine! If you can stomach fruits and vegetables, you should try, but if not, baby will grow regardless. I keep saying "I'll eat better once the nausea stops!" Turns out, it doesn't always stop. 


Posted at
Are you taking prenatal vitamins? Would you consider making smoothies? Do You eat eggs? Fast food isn't too bad, as long as you are eating healthily, too. Plus, your metabolism is going to slow down, and eating unhealthy will make you gain unnecessary weight quickly 


Cl • Jun 22, 2015
I haven't gotten any pregnant vitamins yet. I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant. I can make smoothies. Thanks for the idea.


Posted at
I meant to click yes. Don't worry I eat fast food almost everyday 😒😒😖 and I'm 32wks now and all my tests are good and baby is growing perfectly and I've only gained 18lbs 


Posted at
For the first 15 weeks all I could keep down was potato.... I just remembered to take my vitamins. :)