The reason I'm infertile (essentially) PLEASE READ AND GET URSELVES CHECKED IF U SOUND LIKE ME

Brittany • 30 y/o step mom with blockages in my fallopian tubes. Trying to get preggo
So for years now I've suffered thru nearly debilitating pain in my pelvic area. Been to er after er but with no health insurance only treated to a degree.. in 2012 they diagnosed me with ovarian cysts and blockages in my tubes. Very recently I acquired health insurance and ended up in the er again.. what I found out was I have hydrosalpinx. It's an inflammation of the fallopian tubes not commonly causing pain but when it does its unbearable for most.. they must remove both my tubes and I'll never achieve a normal pregnancy. Please read up on it guys, just because it says u can get thru an std doesn't mean u HAVE to get it that way. I never had one yet this is my disease.. I hope this helps many of you. Good luck!