Am i all alone in this?!?


Been ttc for almost 2 years, my cycles are messed up and im pretty sure im not even ovulating, All the doctors say that everything "looks normal" and its my weight, My SO is so over it until i lose some weight. He wont even listen to me when Glow says im ovulating, its so frustrating, i see everyone else get pregnant without even trying. My best friend had her son while being on BC for 10 year and opps here comes her son. I'm the youngest in my family and my husbands,im 26 hes 30 and all are siblings have done had all there babies, i feel like im missing out of a "secret club" i know that sounds dumb but it the truth,

I know they say it ill happen when you don't want it so bad. Believe me i have went months so over it that i second guess if i even want kids,

Well now that ive rambled...i guess my question is...anyone else feel like its You against the World?!?