Lady problems 😑

I have burning in my outter labia area. Pretty near the vaginal canal actually. It's not red and it doesn't burn when I pee. It's burning and not exactly itchy. Not really painful except sometimes when I wake up. Cold water seems to help. 
No sex in a while and I do masturbate but I always use clean hands and toys. 
I did use a summers <a href="">eve</a> wipe a week ago and I'm wondering if that had anything to do with this? 
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Posted at
Sounds like a reaction to soap or detergent. Have you changed either of those lately?


Posted at
Maybe a yeast infection. You can try monistat (I like the 7 day) or go get checked by doc. Don&apos;t use summers eve.


Posted at
I got that with my new body wash. I keep it away from 'that' area and have no more problems. Are you doing something different?&nbsp;