Really nervous about my appointment tomorrow!

Buddy🐠👻🔺ஷொ • Use to hold thoughtful conversation, now I post memes.

Okay so tomorrow is my first appointment with my OBGYN and as excited as I am to get my sonogram and everything, I am also really nervous. With my first pregnancy, I went to my obgyn and she couldn't find the heart beat for my baby and I ended up miscarrying three days later(the day before my birthday to be exact). I had been pregnant for 12 weeks but the baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks.

Right now I'm 8 weeks and so I am really scared that something similar might happen. I mean this time around I've been taking prenatal vitamins before conceiving and learned I was pregnant way earlier than last time (with this pregnancy I found out at 4 weeks, the last one I was 7 weeks). I just want my baby to be healthy and for everything to go well. My husband and I are really looking forward to being parents but I just can't help being nervous. I feel like I'm being crazy and I just don't know how to stop.