Opinion on marriage or baby first

I am currently finishing my schooling to be a teacher and will be done in july. I had originally decided to get married September 28 2016, but I want want a child. My fiance and I have been trying for a baby for almost 3 months and I'm not sure if I should just wait and get married first or continue trying. If I was to have a baby I probably would push the wedding back another year. I want a real wedding and don't want to just get married at the courthouse. But I want almond child so bad. I'm not sure what I should do.
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Wedding first! That's my opinion :)


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I had this issue come up and decided to set my date and plan the wedding. If I get pregnant, I'll be walking down the aisle looking like a beached whale but I LOVE this man and can't wait to marry him.  I'm also 21 years older than him so I can't afford to push back getting pregnant. 


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We put it in gods hands. We tried for 6 months and found out I don't ovulate. We set the date for October 11, and a few months ago I freakishly ovulated and we thought we were pregnant. Turns out we weren't and were so disappointed. We decided to use fertility treatment and it worked the first round. I'm 8 weeks today with twins! We decided we are going to elope in July and still have our wedding in October while I'm very pregnant. I'm excited our baby will be apart of our wedding. We would have been married a long time ago but we decided financially it was better to wait. Do what you want. Don't listen to anyone else! It's your wedding. I'm not following any of the dumb rules. Things have changed and people need to get over it. 


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I'm in your same boat. We haven't started planning the wedding yet and aren't trying... But not preventing at all anymore (I have a closed tube so it might not happen naturally) but whatever happens first, happens and we'll be happy either way! (I hope baby comes first :P )