Bump size worries..

So I know everyone's pregnancy is different, especially if it's your first baby or second, etc. but I am 22 weeks and 1 day pregnant and i look up others that are that far along and there bumps are so noticeable, it's so well rounded and perfect. As for me I can kinda tell but it's not as rounded and looks like ( a chubby gut) maybe it's cause I wasn't really "skinny" to begin with, but I don't feel like I'm noticeably pregnant and it bothers me. I get so jealous of other preggo' bumps. Does anyone else go through this? :(  my bump doesn't feel like real baby bump, feels a little jiggly at the bottom, and when naked I just look chubby not pregnant and my boyfriend says he can't tell either when I asked his opinion. (He's says it's cause he sees me all the time so he can't tell and I always look at myself so I can't tell either.) it's frustrating to me ugh.