How to...?

Ok, so my boyfriend and I want kids. (We've been together for a year and 3months) He has been calling sex lately "let's make a baby" (at the beginning of the month). He also asked if I would just lay with him for a little while afterwards instead of cleaning up right away. Anyways, I started to noticed a change in things. I pee a lot more than I usually do. My beasts have gotten bigger and hurt like hell. I had a light pink discharge when I wiped, followed by a brownish - red light flow. So I decided to take a couple pregnancy tests. I took one a few days ago (before the pink and brownish - red discharge) it was negative. I took one this morning and it looked like a faint positive. Then I took one a few minutes ago and it was still a faint positive. I feel like I'm going to start my period (cramps and all that). I believe that I am pregnant. But how do I tell my boyfriend our news? Especially this early (being that the positives are so faint). Should I just wait a few more days and when I miss my period tell him and get a pregnancy test again? Or....what....? Never had to do this please!