Update on previous topic I posted about 2 false possitives

So on June 12th I took pregnancy tests that were very quick possitives... (4 days b4 af was due) 4 days later af showed up full force.....Dr had no idea what was up but assumed it was a chemical pregnancy and concidered it a loss....took a home test when the period stopped it was a very faint possitive...had blood work done to attempt to confirm just incase I was still pregnant...the blood work showed possitive but a very low # (27) took a test 2 days after that and it was an even more faint possitive....have to get blood work done again this sat to confirm that the #s are in fact going down and then from there I have to have an internal exam done to make sure all is well....for those of u following my post and giving encouraging words I wanted to say ty! At this point it's almost def a loss and I will be starting over....I was a wreck at first, this was my first pregnancy and my husband and I were so excited it finally happened...I'm glad I tested early because if it was an Mc I need to be looked at before we try again but on the other hand I wish I hadn't tested before my af was due I would've never known :(