Thank you..

McCabe` Family🐘 • TTC again with clomid!
I really don't post much on here, but when I have I have had a lot of help with my questions. I got a positive pregnancy test on May 20th 2015. That was my first cycle after having a miscarriage/chemical in the beginning of March 2013. I lost my twin boy and girl at 18W6D due to incompetent cervix. But now I have been blessed with a rainbow baby after 2 losses. My fiance Miranda and I are so excited. On June 15th I thought I was 7W4D but I didn't take into consideration that I have longer cycles and ovulate later so I was only 6W5D I heard my little baby's heartbeat it was 128 and everything was measuring perfectly. I just want to say thank you to glow and to the ladies who have answered any questions of mine. Sorry such a long post I just wanted to show my gratitude. Here is my first ultrasound and because i have incompetent cervix i have appointments every two weeks. So next Thursday i will have another one. But honestly i feel guilty for getting pregnant sometimes because I wanted my twins and this last baby, i don't want to replace them, but i dont know why i have the feeling that i am and yea idk im having weird feelings is it normal to experience these feelings after loss?? Again sorry it's so long.