Support System.

I've never had the best support system growing up. My father abandoned me & my mother was just down right cruel. All in all, my family wasnt the greatest, but I could at least confide in them if need be. I had a great group of friends that I was thankful to have. Unfortunately that all changed. Once I had my daughter a lot of my "friends" started disappearing. They couldn't understand that the partying life just wasn't on my list of priorities. Fast forward a few years to now.. Not long after moving in with my boyfriend my family started acting weird. First it started with constantly checking up on me, and slowly progressed to just downright lies about anything & everything under the sun. They're also the type of people who aren't genuinely interested on what's going on in your life, but rather use it to talk about you behind your back. At this point I really only confide in my closest cousin, but even that sometimes ends up being related to family. I'm just feeling really alone. The only people I talk to on a daily basis are people that I work for/with, my daughter & my boyfriend. I just feel like I have no one I can openly talk to about with things. Things he just doesn't understand, or is too impatient to listen.