Stay or Go?!

Gabrielle • 35 years old...Mother of 2
Ok. So I've been in a relationship with this guy for a long time now. We were great until we got a house together. His priorities are all messed up. He worries about buying 200.00 pairs of shoes just because none of his friends have them....getting new cars so people can see him show off...and buying new clothes but can't wear them because he's always in his work uniform. He also invites his friends over 3-4 times a week (without speaking to me first) and wastes money on beer/liquor & welcomes them to our food. He gets an attitude when I mention it complaining that I "just don't want him to be around his friends ". This weekend, he told a friend that he can temporarily move in with us without my permission. I have a huge issue with this because I have a 6 year old daughter. She and I are being put out our comfort zone and I feel it's unfair. He throws "bitch" tantrums over the smallest thing and expects people to run at his beckoning call. I have seriously been considering leaving him , but it just got complicated since I think I'm pregnant. Plus, my daughter calls him dad. Am I wrong for wanting to leave?