How well does preseed work ?

Elaina • Mother of 4 living children,2are my husbands,1 is mine and we finally had 1 together. When i was 18 i miscarried a child and 1/23/2015 our son was born sleeping
Posted in 2 other categories and havent got many responses yet so not sure if they are in the right group so ill try this one. Af due 7/22, month 5 ttc our rainbow baby. Already getting sick of seeing negatives every month. My husband and I have 3 living children and our son was born sleeping in january,he was our first child together and was supposed to be our last to complete our family. We love him very much and know another baby will never replace him but we want to try again so we can have a healthy baby together to complete our family and we want that sooner then later because our children are young and all very close and age and we would like to keep it that way so they all will grow up closer and can go to school together and everything then in the future all leave the nest around the same time. Having said all that we have talked about using preseed to hopefully help speed things up and i read some reviews and they all say great things but i guess i wanna hear from more people about their experiences with using it.