Smoking cigarettes while prego!

Is there anything more disgusting then seeing a pregnant woman smoke cigarettes? I've smoked cigarettes for 10 years and know how hard it is to quit, but I did the moment I found out with both pregnancies. I don't care to hear excuses about how stressful it can be to quit cold turkey either! You couldn't convince me that stress from not smoking could be worse for your baby than smoking.  Glad I got that off my chest!! I couldn't help it after watching a very noticeably pregnant woman smoke 3 cigarettes in less than an hour 😪
~little side note: I see people saying I should have minded my own business, and I did! Not once did I confront the woman or bother her in any way shape or form about her decision, instead I wrote my thoughts about it anonymously without disclosing any of her personal information. Everyone has a right to there own opinion and voice!~