Free pregnancy tests online?

I know they're cheap and I can get free ones at a clinic but the problem is I live literally in the middle of nowhere and don't have a car, For the moment I still live with my mom (going into college in the fall) so I'm a little apprehensive to ask to use her car she really doesn't like anyone else driving it. And I don't want to be seen buying a pregnancy test in person. I would just buy one online but I don't have a credit or debit card yet, I'll be getting one before college. 
So does anyone know of like any free samples of anything where they would give away a pregnancy test online? or even that would let me send cash? 
(please don't lecture me on how I shouldn't have had sex or whatever I understand I was careless and made a mistake, but I'm on birth control I think it  failed, I'm in a monogamous relationship and anyway it's besides the point. I just need to have an answer not a lecture thanks.)