Severe headaches after D&C/MMC

✨sparkle🐠cubs™️✨ • Twin Momma, 🚨💉💊, married to my best friend, ALLY & bleeding heart liberal!
I need advice or suggestions...I had a D&C due to MMC & fever 6/17/15 & have had constant, severe headaches everyday since then. I know this is most likely a result of hormones &/or stress. I have taken everything OTC that there is, & some even in combinations, without any relief. I see my OB this Thursday & plan to discuss it with him then. I called to see if they could call in something but he is out of town until Thursday & since having the unexpected cost of the D&C, we dont have the money to go to the ER or urgent care. Did anyone else have severe headaches after a D&C/MMC? If so, what did you take that helped & when did they go away? I am miserable😖!