1st pregnancy / miscarriage

We found out 4 weeks ago (at 12 weeks) that we had a blighted ovum... It was a total shock to us as we thought everything was fine- no signs of anything being wrong. Obviously it was the most devastating moment of our lives... We thought we were so lucky that we conceived our first month trying but we just couldn't believe there wasn't actually a baby... We were shown what we would be seeing on the ultrasound and what they were looking for and then all we saw was an empty gestational sac... I've never felt so empty in my life. I had a d&c one day shy of 13 weeks... It was a rough experience for me but things have started to get back to normal. I'm finally coming back to the glow community now... We were told to wait 1 cycle before we try again and we are looking forward to what is to come... We know there is a rainbow at the end of the storm.