What has happened.

Has anyone else heard about how they're going to tear down the 10 commandment statue in Oklahoma because it goes against gays? And that they're going to replace it with a goat and two children beside it holding up a Pentagon. Does anyone know what that represents?

It represents the devil... And when I heard about this. My heart clinched. And I got chills up and down my body.

How is it fair that gays get to boast their sexuality around, insult us about how we, Christians, "shove our religion down their throats" but they get to run around mocking God on Gay Pride floats. And if we do or say anything about it then we're in the wrong. How is it because of gays and athiests we are not allowed to say God or anything about Christ on television in fear of "effecting" then in some way. How is it our statues, are being torn down before our eyes and no one seems hurt. Whats next? The cross in Texas? When did Christianity become the minority?

How do you feel about all of this?