Nausea early on/higher hcg


I'm a second time mommy. I am 6 weeks tomorrow and am very nauseas all the time. I was not nauseas with my first until around 8 weeks. My hcg levels at 4 w 2 days was 487. Do you think it could be twins??
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I feel like mine is twins this is my 5th baby and I was never nasusa with my other ones!! I just feel way more pregnant then 5w 5d I can already feel the top of my uterus right above my pelvic bone and I've been dizzy a lot!! I go to the doctor tue to get checked but they said they won't do a ultrasound until 20 weeks so I'm going to tell a lil lie to get a early one!!


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I'm very very nauseous at 6 weeks and I only have 1 baby.. but you never know!


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If think so and if you want twins, I hope so!😍