Am I overreacting?

Ann • Happily married for 8 years . TTC #2 . Baby dust to you all #blessed
Hello ladies. I am 7 weeks today. My SO and I decided not to share the news yet. Last night we went out for food with some friends. Just about everyone ordered a drink except for me. And the girl sitting next to me says "wait you don't have a drink . Are you pregnant ?" 
THEN she puts her drink in front of me and is like prove that you're not pregnant . And she pulls out her camera like "this is my home pregnancy test drink it and prove you're not pregnant ."
I felt like it was so rude and disrespectful to do that and not funny at all. So I decided to stay home today (4th of July) just to avoid that type of situation again. Am I overreacting??? 
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Posted at
Not overreacting at all! I can't believe people think it's any of their business if someone else is pregnant, and think it's ok to force an announcement like that. I would have been really upset. Once you do announce you should talk to her about it if she's someone you see regularly.


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She's a bitch! Omg that was too much. What is she like 15 years old?! She should NOT be considered a friend. Stupid. Smh. You didn't deserve that. 


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I would had poured the drink on her!! You are not overreacting at all. 


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Eh - she was prob just trying to get a reaction out of you or be funny with everyone elese around. I would say your on antibiotics and can't drink. I'm going on a trip next week and not everyone knows so that's gonna be my excuse.


Jacalyn • Jul 4, 2015
So what did you say, or do?


Ann • Jul 4, 2015
In my mind I planned to say antibiotics. Like that would be my casual answer if someone said hey want a drink? But I was so thrown off guard with her putting a camera in my face and saying drink her drink to prove it. I was too pissed off to even think of antibiotics. But def next time lol


Posted at
I think that was extremely rude of her to be so pushy! I would probably just stick to the antibiotics story until you're ready to tell the news. Some people are so inconsiderate of others!


Amber • Jul 5, 2015
If it starts to seem like being on "antibiotics too long" you can say you havent found one thats working for you (docs will prescribe different ones if the issue isnt vlearing up). A few weeks ago I went to a happy hour with some coworkers and I had written up a sticky notw saying "No alcohol please" so I didnt have to leave the table to talk to the bartender. I just ordered a margarita and made sure he saw my note and it was obvious to him I was holding a secret.


Ann • Jul 4, 2015
Tell me about it!!! I will from now. This will be the longest course of antibiotics ever lol


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No, I think that was uncalled for and rude of her to force you to announce/ admit it when you're not ready yet. I agree with saying you're on a medication/ antibiotic or you don't feel well/ were just too sick to have a drink.


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Honestly I had the same issue almost, I sucked up the straw abs put my tongue on the end so I wouldn't actually get any, then I went to the bartender and explained the situation so he made me an oj and grenadine drink. That girl was completely out of line! I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


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Soooooo rude!!! 


Ann • Jul 4, 2015
You can say that again!!!! I thought I was being hormonal! Glad to know I had the right to be upset


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The antibiotics answer is a good one to remember! Or- I say you drank too much am last week and need a cleanse. Or, since she's being so insensitive, throw it right back and tell her you don't like to drink what hookers drink with a wink. That was really rude of her whether she was trying to be funny or not. It's not her news to tell. It's yours. You get to decided when to tell, not her. My husband's boss just outed us by looking at all the dr appts Derek has taken. Luckily nobody heard what he said-- but what a dick move!


Ann • Jul 4, 2015
Lol that's how I feel everyone is going to feel. I will for sure be laying low till I'm ready


Katie • Jul 4, 2015
All my friend think I hate them since I haven't spoken to them in weeks.


Katie • Jul 4, 2015
So true! I knew a friend was pregnant through the grapevine(husband was bragging when he shouldn't have been) but I kept it quiet until she told me. I knew both my sisters were (my mom) but said nothing until they told me. It's respect! At least we have a safe out let here.


Posted at
We were keeping it a secret as well, and are managing quite well. However, I did HAVE to tell a couple people due to a similar situation. They were being very pressuring- just being themselves, lol so I just told them. Thankfully they have been trying for a while and so were very understanding and are well aware of the risks ect. I was only 5 weeks when that happened! I'm not 8w1d and managing to keep it from everyone else successfully! 


Kylie • Jul 4, 2015
The three of them looked at me and at the same time said "are you pregnant!" Lol I smiled, I couldn't hold it in enough to deny it! Lol it sucked but they are good people whom I know will keep it quiet regardless. :)


Kylie • Jul 4, 2015
Haha I wanted to! They guessed! And I am a HORRIBLE liar! ... They asked if I wanted to try a new drink someone had brought, one of those seasonal things, and I said no thank you. Then they said coming have one sip (I was driving as well), and I said no thank you again. Then I ended up saying I cant


Ann • Jul 4, 2015
When they were pressuring you. Did you just blurt it out?? Cause that's what almost happened but I didn't want to tell them in that way