Venting.. Hospital bed rest 😳😢👎

Krysti • Mommy to:Logan 8,Alaina 6,Madelyn( preemie 3)Peyton 20months. Married to my best friend since 03/01/2014❤️

Today I've been on hospital bed for 2 weeks and it's really hitting me hard. I have a 4 year old son and a two year old daughter and it's absolutely killing me not being able to celebrate the 4th of July today with them and my husband!! I just keep telling myself that me being in here is the best thing for my unborn daughter and I until she is born on Friday but sadly that just doesn't take the heartache and loneliness away😞. Being a Momma and doing what's best is certainly hard 😳..

Post some funny things or good articles to read to cheer me up and take my mind off of being all alone please!!