This sucks

So yesterday, 7/4, my preterm contractions got really bad. Went from 15-25 mins apart to 7-8 minutes. Came to the L&D on base at 11:30pm and was informed that baby and I were too unstable to transport. Been here and haven't heard what's going to happen. Was give a shot of terb something to slow the contractions but that worked for a whole 45 mins but the side effects lasted for hours. Got about 2 hrs of sleep. Baby's hb keeps dipping in the low 120s. This bed is so damn uncomfortable and I keep getting nauseous. 
On top of it all I was told about 20mins before coming to L&D that my grandma (my mom's sil and adoptive mother) passed away. 
Really need some good vibes this way so we can go home or be transferred to a hospital that can care for a premie.