so happy

kirsty • sports student,
never felt this cared for in my entire life, im crying happy tears. im only 16-17 next month. been with my boyfriend about 5 months i no its not a long time but god doesnt it feel real :) we both have quite a troubled backgroup and household and hes just asked me if i wanted to get a flat somewhere with him! iv never felt this cared about before ! 😊 happy beyond words !
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Posted at
Congratulations!Some advice though; think about it and access whether you're:1. Ready for the responsibility of renting an apartment2. Your relationship is able to deal with the stress of living together.


Tonyisha • Jul 5, 2015
shared account, wow. that's a lot of trust. Idk where you live but you can't legally sign a lease until you're 18


kirsty • Jul 5, 2015
weve already got a shared account and stuff which lots of money from our multiple jobs :) and yes it should be. and thank you !


Posted at
Congratulations guys!