Laparoscopy's: How Often and How many?

Aspirant Momma
I was diagnosed with endometriosis 9yrs. Ago when I was 18 I had my first Laparoscopy! I had terrible fetal position cramps(obviously) on my period, before my period and after my period and my Gyno prescribed me narcotics for the pain which is not a realistic treatment for endo! I ended up getting my 2nd laparoscopy 11mos. After the 1st laparoscopy! And then I went without insurance for years and couldn't afford to go to gyno regular let alone pay for a laparoscopy out of pocket, which now I think was a blessing in disguise, cuz that Dr. Didn't know what he was doing or something and prolly would be given me 10 more laparoscopy's by now! Over the past 4 years I've been to 2 diff. Gyno's other than him! And the 1st 1 said she wants to check the pics taken of my laparoscopy to see if I even have endometriosis, which i never got to do cuz i moved out of state b4 i had the chance, and the other gyno(my current Gyno) says that unless I TTC for a year with no results she doesn't wanna do a laparoscopy on me cuz surgery is always a last option, if they can avoid it they do!!! So my question is what is all of your experiences with getting Laparoscopy's? How often? How many? What do your Gyno's say about it? What treatments do you use? And which treatments do you find the most helpful if any? I'd appreciate any advice on the matter!?!