Lost my baby: d&c tomorrow and I'm freaking out.

Last week we found out our baby didn't have a heartbeat and stopped growing at 7 weeks and 4 days of development. (I should be 11 weeks). The sector suggested a D&C because it has been so long since the baby stopped growing. My surgery is tomorrow and I'm seriously freaking out about it. I don't like the thought of being put under, even if it is a "simple procedure". To top that off after we found out we lost the baby (and trust me we got 3 ultrasounds to confirm it) I started smoking again after having quit for pregnancy. So now I'm freaking out about the cigarettes affecting the general anesthesia. Needless to say I'm a mess. Today is the first time I can talk or write about it without having a complete breakdown. I just need some warm words from someone who has gone through this. I know it could be a lot worse. I'm just super afraid something will go wrong in surgery.