What's more important?

Brittany • Mommy to a wonderful 12yr old boy, 9yr old boy 7yr old girl 6yr old girl and 3yr old girl. Due March 11th 2023 with a boy.
I had an NST today my SO instead of coming with me to it decided to take his mom to an appointment she had. She is fully capable of driving herself. She will drive herself over an hour away to shop for hours but won't drive herself to doctor appointments. My SO complains when I don't invite him to appointments but I'm supposed to be ok with him picking an choosing what ones he decides to come to. I would think an appointment for the baby no matter what it is would come 1st. Also her appointment wasn't anything serious she pretty much had to go do a piss test cuz at her last appointment at the arthritis doctors she had to many pain killers and muscle relaxers in her system.