I need your opinions ladies!!

So my period was about 5 days late. I had taken several hpt and a few were VERY faint but positive lines. I woke up Monday with some bleeding. I assumed it was the start of a cycle and very discouraged. The bleeding was lighter flow than a normal first day, felt slight cramping for maybe 15 mins. And was light red/pink and brown in color for about 2 days. Second day was more like spotting but brown. I went to my dr appointment and told her about the hpt she did blood work and the results came in negative today. I'm devastated. But when I look at the dates of everything and the faint positives, AND only bleeding for 2 days abnormally.. I question if I could be pregnant, maybe just not as far along as I thought. Possibly only 3 weeks and not almost 5?.. Tell me your opinions! I'm getting discouraged. ):