So excited!

This morning I finally got my blinking 😀 on my OPK!!! I know it's not peak yet but it's better than the blank circle!!! Last night I checked my CM and position before bed, which my fiancé laughed at me for and I even said before bed I have a feeling I'm going to get the blinking 😀 in the morning. It's so crazy that I was right! And he thought I was just messing around and doubted me with the whole "how do you know?" thing. Damn I'm good! And once it showed up on the test this morning I woke him up and put the test in his face and he got all excited and was like "smiley face???" in the cutest childish voice and smile like it was Christmas morning. Last time I have the blinking one for one day then it gave me the solid 😀 so we'll see if that happened again this time but I'm hoping this month is our month!!! I have baby fever like crazy!!! Every time I look at my 20 month old son I can't wait to give him a sibling and wish he was tiny again... I really hope this is our month because as much as I complained while pregnant with my son I miss it so much now so I can't wait to be pregnant again and then breast feed again! God please let this be our month!!! All you pregnant ladies out there please send us your baby dust!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and BDing as much as possible. After we BDed a little while ago I was on top so I immediately flipped to my back and have been laying on my back with a pillow under my hips for the past 45 minutes haha. Does that even help, or is that just a myth?