Chemical Pregnancy?

Lauren • 28 & Married 4 Years. STILL TTC #1!
Is it possible to have a chemical pregnancy but never get a BFP?
I tested from 10DPO till the day AF came and always had a BFN but I always "felt pregnant" until AF came.
Now I'm on my third and final day of my period and still cramping (which is so rare because I usually just cramp on day 1). 
I'm so confused! Anyone ever experience this?
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I would say anything is possible, obviously it’s hard to say if it wasn’t confirmed but sometimes you just know. I’m pretty sure I just had one aswell. I did take a test the day before I was due and swore there was a it was vvvfl but I never tested again because I started bleeding the next day and then had a “period” for 10days.