Early labor?

Rachel • 25 years of age -- one angel baby (Emelia Rose) and my rainbow baby born 07/13/15 (Layla Marie). Baby boy due 03/03/2017
So I've been having a constant back ache for about a week now and just recently I've been having diarrhea. I had an appointment on Monday and I was dilated 1 1/2 but wasn't effaced (at least he didn't say) and my cervix was super soft. I started nesting like crazy the past couple of days, so I'm wondering if I'm getting closer to meeting my baby girl! I'm 37+5 if anybody is curious. 😊 Oh, and I've been noticing contractions too --They aren't painful, just a little odd feeling. Some nights I'll wake up with horrible back pain with contractions but it will ease up after about 10 mins. I'm a FTM (had an induced miscarriage at 18 weeks in 2014) so I don't know what natural labor feels like. I remember having horrid back pain with that one, but this back pain isn't as bad. I just feel like my body is giving her an eviction notice. Lol.