Something's Missing:/

I guess I just want advice and support...
Ok, so when I was 15 I fell pregnant, complete accident. When I told the baby's father, my ex partner of 2 years, he wasn't happy at all. This was an abusive relationship so he continued to beat me throughout the pregnancy. I lost my baby girl at 7 months pregnant, she was stillborn. 
After, I was forced to go on the implant by my mum because I was so young. It gave me awful headaches and towards the end of the three years was just non stop trouble. 
I'm now 18 and living in my own flat with my current partner (who is 22) and our puppy and me and my partner both have jobs. I had my implant taken out about a week a go and didn't want it put back in. My mum called me stupid and won't speak to me now. My boyfriend has said if I ever fell pregnant he would do anything and everything to be the best dad he could be, although he doesn't particularly want a baby just yet.
I struggle as I miss my daughter so much and I feel like a part of my heart is missing that can only be filled with the love of my own baby. I try so hard to be ok with it when he says to wait a year or so but really it kills me because it's all I want. I don't know how to control how I feel or just to stop it hurting.