Pelvic prolapse

So, I'm super nervous to even post this, very embarrassed and humiliated, even... This is my 2nd pregnancy, almost 36 weeks. No trouble really w first go round. I did tear during delivery, but healed well.  Past couple of days, I've noticed my vagina is more swollen. Yesterday and today, I'm noticing something protruding from my vagina. I still have a week until my next ob appt. Wondering if anyone else is or has experienced this. I'm praying its more normal swelling rather than my pelvic floor coming out of me!! As though my weight gain wasn't less confidence for me, if my cagina falls out, I think I'll want to die! Not really die, but a little inside, anyway... 
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I would call your doctor/midwife.  It could also be chord prolapse and if it is you'll need to be seen immediately.


Erin • Jul 10, 2015
I'm not sure. I'm not a professional. I was told by our midwife if I felt like what you described I needed to call to be checked to ensure it wasn't chord prolapse.


Babrae • Jul 10, 2015
And my water hasn't broken and I have strong baby movements. I thought if it were the cord coming out, my water would have had to broken before hand.


Babrae • Jul 10, 2015
Even if it gives me no pain? No pain at all. When I wipe, I can feel it that is it..


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Better safe than sorry, I would call.