Hallie Ann born 7/8/15 💜

Sara • mommy of 2 & Lularoe consultant
40 weeks 4 days and contractions started at 6:30 am. It was crazy! After having contractions all day 7-8 minutes apart, my hubby and I decided to try some sexy time around 3:30 pm and that got my contractions to 4-5 minutes apart within 30 minutes later. So we decided to go into L&D at 5 pm and I was still 2 cm from the week before, so they sent us to go walk around somewhere near by. We went and ate and walked then came back at 8:30 with contractions 2-3 min apart. My water broke right before they checked me at 9:30. I was 4 cm and I started having super strong contractions. 5 minutes later I  felt the urge to push and was 7 cm and stretching FAST. I was rushed into a room and fully dilated by the time we got in there.  She was born at 10:32 after pushing through 3 contractions.  It was so fast!! Can't believe I did that. There was no time for anything! Now we have our beautiful daughter 🎀
7lbs 5oz and 19 1/2 in long
She's perfect!