Being pressured into an epidural...

Kirsten • Im Kirsten, & I'm a mommy to Jazmyne
I'm 30 weeks 3 days pregnant, due Sept 16th and I'm very very sick of being pressured into an epidural by my mother...
If I tell her I want to do it all natural, she calls me crazy and says that I won't be able to do it and I'll get my daughter taken away because I'll freak out and it's just really messing with me lately. I can't even say anything to her about the epidural because she says "you'll need it." I'm worried when she's in the delivery room that she will say to the nurse that I'll need an epidural when the nurse offers it and if I don't want it I won't know what to do. I wanna see how long I can ride the pain out before I get an epidural, but I don't know what to do if my mom tells the nurse that I'll need it. I'm nervous of future back pains and other effects from it. 😞 advice appreciated, thanks ladies.