Ectopic pregnancy

If you have had one please share your symptoms with me. I think I am going through one now 
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I started having pain in my left pelvic area on and off for about 2 days. I tried not to stress out and blamed it on stretching or gas. Then I started to bleed. I was 5w 3d. I called my doctor amd he in that day for an ultrasound and then it was confirmed. I'll say a prayer for you amd baby dust to you!!!


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Mine felt like ovulation pain at first. I had a gut feeling something was wrong so I went to the ER and they pretty much blew me off saying it was gas pain. Two days later I was in so much pain that I couldn't move. I went back to the ER and I was bleeding internally. If you're suspecting that you're having an ectopic pregnancy I would go get checked out for sure, better safe than sorry. I wish you the best. 


Seaira • Jul 12, 2015
Same thing happened with me they did a urine test and said it was a uti 3 days later I ended up back with severe cramping and bleeding cuz my tube ruptured. the dr told me if I had waited 2 more hours I would have bled to death... such a close call makes you appreciate everything a little more


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Just call your doctor and explain your concern. Pain, bleeding and cramping are all signs some people have no symptoms. Your doctor will do what they need to in order to find out


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I went to doctor today it's not ectopic.... My pregnancy test was positive but there isn't even a sac formed yet which make them believe I am only 3-4 weeks I have to go back in a week for another ultrasound 


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I had SEVERE cramping to where I couldn't move. I felt like my uterus was literally going to fall out. Then 3 days later my tube ruptured and I was internally bleeding which in turn made it seem like I started a very heavy period


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Yes if you think you had a ectopic pregnancy(tuble pregnancy) get evaluated immediately its very dangerous and can b life treating good luck luv mild cramping is normal in early pregnancy bc everything is stretching to make room for growing uterus some bleeding can happen as well (implantation bleeding) but if you are bleeding heavy soaking a pad in an hour got to our er asap! N what ever you do DONT USE A TAMPON BC you wanna be able to see what's coming out good luck feel better soon sending lots of prayers p.s make sure you drinking plenty of fluids no caffien sport during gator-aid ext.


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I had really bad cramps in my entire abdomen. Excruciating pain to the point that I had to be carried an put into the car to go to the hospital. No bleeding an no other symptoms. Juss crampin like AF but way worse.


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Prayers hunny! I never had ectopic but had miscarriage this past feb and my symptoms were pain bleeding contractions but that was after dr stirred things up cause I found out at my 12 week visit that baby died at 9 wks so I chose to wait it out naturally and that's what took place! Praying for u hunny!


Posted at
I am 5 days late for my period I have had 2 miscarriages and I have taken pregnancy test since the 2nd day of missed period just got a positive this morning I was experiencing severely bad cramps on left an right side last night that I just went to bed to sleep it off I guess overall I am paranoid due to 2 miscarriages within the last year 


Ashley • Jul 12, 2015
wow why is that