Does anyone else feel judged by same-age peers who don't want kids yet??

Desiree • TTC #1 with my wonderful husband!
I will be 25 in August and my fiancé will be 42 in October. We are to be married September 2nd and have been TTC for only a month. This will be my first child and his first as well.
Every one of my friends that are my age find it weird that anyone would want kids at our age. I haven't told anyone except my grandmother that we are TTC. I feel more than ready to have kids: I'm sick of being selfish and feel a part missing inside. My friends are more concerned with drinking and going out and I'm just not about that. My fiancé is definitely ready for kids, especially at his age. 
Does anyone else feel like a black sheep?? I can't wait to have mommy friends when that time comes but it's kind of hard being in the middle right now.