This is a bit long...


I already know I'm going to be judged for this soooo I'm not going to be anonymous.

So I've been dating this guy for almost two years. We were engaged, and we were going to get married at the end of this year. But I found out about 3 months ago something thay he did. Over a year ago we decided to open a bank account together, and save for our wedding. So everything was going great, and in August we are supposed to go on a cruise with his family. 3 months ago he comes up to me and asks me to pay for his cruise ticket, and of course I agreed even though I was already struggling with paying my own bills at the time. So i tell my mom, and she tells me I need to look at our joint account thay had over a 1000 dollars in it. I didn't want to believe her but one day I asked him anyways. He was on the computer and pretended not to hear me. So i walked up to him, and demanded him to go to our bank account. So he went on the website and conveniently forgot the password and locked us out of our account. He refused to look at me, and I asked him why he didn't look at me. He then told me he spent every last dime of our savings. We were over 100 dollars in dept. I know that's not much but it is to me. I was so pissed I threw the ring at him and tell him I was done. I was moving up to Alabama with my mom and breaking up with him. Then after we talked it out I decided to stay with him. Which I know is stupid. But I broke our engagement off. I was all set to go to Alabama with my mom. But then I got a phone call from publix, and I got hired immediately. I found out I have to be at publix at least 6 months before I can transfer anywhere. So i asked my brother if I can move in with him and his wife, and he told me no. So the only thing I could do was move in with my boyfriend. So i did. I told him if he doesn't do something with his life (because he was working part time, barely getting hours, and playing videogames all the time when he wasn't working) in 6 months time I'm going to leave him for good. I gave him three choices to improve his life. College, get another or better job, or go into the military. He refused to go to college, and he refused to get another or better job. So he decided to join the military. Everything was going good again. He's swearing into the navy next friday. Then last night I was browsing through his phone, and I found this (picture below) i clicked on the link and it showed women looking for their Prince charming in his area. So i threw the phone at him and ask him to explain himself. He said he was looking for girls like me (sexually) he was wondering if others girls did what I did during sex because some of the things I do apparently werid him out. At this point I'm ready to leave but in can't because I have another 5 months before I can transfer from publix. And my brother still wont take me in... I love him and i want to stay with him but I'm tired of being hurt all the time.... what do you all think I should do?....