Rainbow baby

Been TTC since nov '13 with history of 3 mc's, had blood done and HSG and all came back normal. Dr put me on clomid, although i ovulate on my own. I took from 3-7 and on CD 18 had positive ovu test. I started testing at 6dpo knowing it was early, but I just wanted to anyways. Thinking this cycle was probably a no go until 8dpo at night. the tests here show 8dpo am then Pm and so on and so forth. 8dpo am was absolute stark white, at work in the afternoon I felt odd so when I got home at 630-7 I tested again and sure enough there was the super faint naked to eye line. I waited another 2 hours and tested with an frer and BAM! Positive! Much darker than the cheapies. I am praying that this will be our family's sticky baby. Had blood drawn today but I won't know any more until Tuesday. Since taking clomid I know it pushed my O out and I know it's probably push AF out. So not sure when I should technically get it :/ maybe the 15th. But I have faith. And I hope you all get your BFP