Need a bit of advice.

Lanae🚼#✌️ • Mom of two 💙💗 Last of the bunch due May 2018 My ancestors had to shutup, I don't 😎
So my SO is the eldest of 8 children! The issue is with his 13 year old sister. She was initial living with her 22 year old brother, but she ran away because her brothers gf was mistreating her. She ran away to her 20 year old sisters house. Her 20 year old sister is having a baby any day and she is on maternity leave so her funds are low she can't pay for 13 year old, a newborn and herself on her limited income so she asked the 22 year old brother to help. (He is receiving welfare and food stamps for the 13 year old). The brother is refusing. So my question is should myself and my SO report the brother? I mean the 13 year old hasn't lived with him for 2 months now and he still collects aid for her😒. We've tried talking to her mom, she's addicted to pain pills and said the 13 year old can't come live with her 😔. So now my SO wants the 13 year old to live with us. I'm fine with it but I'm not okay with the 22 year old brother who continues to receive welfare and food stamps to keep collecting. I don't want the food or money but I mean it's not fair he does nothing for the girl and still gets money. Would you report your own brother? Or just let him continue to collect money and you take care of the girl? Just needed some advice. Thanks