Help !!!!

Sooo about three weeks ago I noticed a change in the smell of my vagina...not a good one either..I haven't used anything different except maybe using the summers <a href="">eve</a> vagina spray? 
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I&apos;m sorry to ask this but what kind of smell is it? My wife and I have had this problem a couple times.


Andrew • Jul 16, 2015
it might be bacterial vaginosis it is the opposite of a yeast infection. When you are seen they might treat you for a yeast infection but it will make it worse then you will know that it is BV. hope this helps


Troy • Jul 13, 2015
Hard not hurt lol


Troy • Jul 13, 2015
My boyfriend says its like a strong musk smell (swear I wash) but it never goes away..its kinda hurt to explain but it almost smells sour.


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U shld see ur Dr. It maybe that u have an infection.


zuhria • Jul 14, 2015
lol. sorry my bad! i assume everyone on glo is pregnant. it may b that you need to wash up more often and change your panties more often too. but you should definitely see a doctor since you have notice a change in how things smell down there. good luck.


Troy • Jul 13, 2015
Nooo I'm not pregnant lol but it right imma schedule an appointment just to check and see wats up


zuhria • Jul 13, 2015
yes you could! the smell is a sign that something has changed down there. there is no harm being very sure its more for your baby's safety. a lot could go wrong on a very little issue so best be safe than sorry.


Posted at
Do NOT use any vaginal sprays to enhance odor. They've proven to cause UTI's&nbsp;