Pcos and surgery

Hi everyone,

I've been reading down through your notes and want to share my story. I'm 29 and my husband and I have been ttc for 2 years. I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 21. I have all the classic symptoms tried everything. Never could get a regular AF even with BC and metformin. The metformin makes me sick so recently I quit taking it. Last year we did clomid and dexamethasone I didn't ovulate so the DR that I was seeing wanted me to do injectable meds... way to expensive. So I started taking an herbal tincture, wouldn't you know 35 days later I had a surprise AF. Which lasted 21 days, I went back to my primary ob gyn practice saw a different DR. He started me on BC for 3 months to bring it under control then he wanted to do surgery. I wanted to see if my tincture would work... no luck no AF. Finally we decided to go for it... I had surgery in april and AF came to visit. Then 3 days ago AF came again.... I did the happy dance!!!! So now we will be ttc again.. my desire in sharing this is to let you know that there are answers besides meds that make you feel horrible and don't help..

Ps.. the surgery is called ovarian drilling