Septate Uterus ... Scared :(

Katherine • “If u want 2b sad, no1 in the world can make u happy. But if u make up ur mind 2b happy, no1 & nothing on Earth can take that happiness from u”~PY
Just found out I have a septate uterus after an ultrasound to detect a cyst.  The way the doctor told me was so rude, she told me I was going to have a hard time carrying a child (in the most nonchalant manner) and I basically lost it in the docs office.  She scheduled me for an MRI to see how septated it is I guess? Anyone have advice on this? Am I panicking too soon? I am not TTC yet, but my boyfriend and I do want a family in the near future.  I am 29, should I start planning earlier? I am def going to see a specialist, but want some insight from others who may have gone through this. 😔