Ovulationtest and clomid 100 mg question

Brittany • Proud Army Wife! And mom to my fur babies! For now.... :)
So this I my second month taking clomid 100 mg. last month I got my prescription late so I ended up taking it on cd 8-12 and positive opk on the 17. I have longer periods so it timed out perfectly at 32 days. This month I took it cd 5-9 and was using first response opk and almost got a positive 2 days ago but I switched the next days to a brand I ordered off amazon. I've tested the past 2 days only in the in the am as directed by my doctor. I have ewcm and last night before bed I had twinges in my left pelvic region. I have been bd every other day. Should I go by my instinct? Or by the opk?